We are thrilled to announce a new solution within the Intouch with Health Patient Journey Platform is launching – Synopsis Home – will launch in March 2020.
What is Synopsis Home?
Synopsis Home is a web application which enables hospital patients to complete their pre-operative assessment remotely – outside of the hospital. Once the assessment is completed, it is then uploaded directly to the hospital’s system, allowing the care team to triage their patients more efficiently than ever before.
Synopsis Home is cloud based and all data is owned by the patient. Patient information can only be viewed by the hospital once permission is granted.
The Benefits
Synopsis Home provides many benefits to both patients, and staff at the hospital, including;
- a reduction on the administrative burden on hospital staff
- patients beginning the pre-operative assessment process without visiting hospital
- reduced costs for patients (less travel / parking etc.)
- improved efficiency on average by 40%
- more patients processed without extra staff
- improved staff utilisation
- increased patient throughput
- paper elimination (and the cost of paper / printing)
- patients triaged faster
- increased patient satisfaction
To find out more about Synopsis Home, get in touch with the team on 01285 657516 or ITWH-Marketing@vitalhub.com